Saved from Thanksgiving

Meet Lama, the luckiest turkey we know.

We received a few urgent calls and texts just before Thanksgiving after this precious soul was found in a dumpster.

Lama is one of the few turkeys of this kind who survived that day, as a heartbreaking 46 million of these sweet, gentle, affectionate birds lost their lives this Thanksgiving alone. We named Lama after an old friend and animal activist who would pardon turkeys every yea. ❤️

Lama settled in with us immediately, and has made fast friends with Red the Rooster. As we wait for a coop to be built for our feathered friends, she will have a warm, safe place next to her new friend in her own cushy indoor enclosure.

Lama has a gentle, inquisitive, trusting nature. Hers is a beautiful soul. Our hope is that as we share Lama’s photos, videos and stories over the months ahead that, she will inspire others to make kinder choices in their everyday lives so that other animals can be so fortunate and live out their own lives in peace, and with love.

Welcome, beautiful one. We love you so much already. You are someone, not something. You will live out your life with peace, respect and happiness. ..and you’re already Halfway Home. ❤️?
